GMAT Test Centers in West Virginia

GMAT Test Centers in West Virginia

GMAT, or Graduate Management Admission Test, is a computer-based exam administrated by ETS and used by most MBA programs in the United States and other English speaking countries. The following is a list of testing locations in the state of West Virginia where you can take the GMAT test. For each test center, you will see full street address, telephone number, city location and how you can get to the site in detail.

Charleston, WV, United States Test Center Information
Test Center: Pearson Professional Centers-Charleston WV
Address: 300 Summers Street, Suite 430
BB&T Square
Charleston, WV 25301
United States
Telephone: 304-342-4681
Directions: Charlestown WV PPC
304-342-4681FROM THE NORTHFollow I-77 south to the Washington Street exit, bear left.
Turn left on US 60 (Lee Street) toward the Civic Center.
The BB&T Bank building is at the corner of Lee Street and Summers Street.
***Follow detailed directions below.


Follow I-64/77 North to exit 100, Leon Sullivan Way.
Follow Leon Sullivan Way US 60, Washington Street, turn right.
Look for The BB&T Bank building is at the corner of Washington Street and Summers Street.
***Follow detailed directions below.


Follow I-79 South to I-77 South to the Washington Street exit, bear left.
Turn left on US 60 (Lee Street).
The BB&T Bank building is at the corner of Lee Street and Summers Street.
***Follow detailed directions below.


Follow I-64 East to US 60, Lee Street, turn right.
Look for The BB&T Bank building is at the corner of Lee Street and Summers Street.
***Follow detailed directions below.

The center is located on the 4th floor, suite 430, 300 Summers Street, in the BB&T Bank Building.
The building is black with a sawtooth design.

Parking is available nearby for a small fee.
Parking in the bank parking lot is $2.00 per hour, which is not recommended.

Bus stops are located in the area and at St. Francis Hospital, located one block Northeast from the BB&T Building.
The bus transfer terminal is at Lee and Laidley, one block Southwest of the BB&T Building.

Please contact the PPC at the above number for local lodging.

1528 cc; 10/12/06 dsr


Morgantown, WV, United States Test Center Information
Test Center: Pearson Professional Centers-Morgantown WV
Address: 150 Clay Street
The Jackson & Kelly Building
Suite 420
Morgantown, WV 26505
United States
Telephone: 304-284-0491
Directions: Morgantown, WV PPC
304-284-0491FROM THE NORTHI-79 South to the Westover/Morgantown, Exit #152.
Turn LEFT onto US 19 North through Westover into downtown Morgantown.
Cross the bridge over the Monongahela River, turn RIGHT onto US 119 South University Avenue.
Proceed approximately 0.5 mile to Hurley Street in the Wharf District (look for Centra Bank w/large US flag).
Turn RIGHT and proceed one block to Clay Street.
Turn LEFT and proceed to 150 Clay Street (Jackson & Kelly Bldg.); next to LaCasa Restaurant.


I-79 North to the I-68 Cumberland, Exit #148.
Bear RIGHT onto US 119, South University Ave/Downtown, Exit #1.
Turn LEFT onto US 119.
Proceed STRAIGHTapproximately 3.5 miles.
Turn LEFT onto Hurley Street in the Wharf District (look for the Centra Bank w/the large US flag).
Proceed one block West to Clay Street.
Proceed to 150 Clay Street (Jackson & Kelly Bldg.); next to LaCasa Restaurant.


I-68 West to South University Avenue, Exit #1.
Turn LEFT onto US 119 North and proceed approximately 3.5 miles.
Turn LEFT onto Hurley Street in the Wharf District (look for the Centra Bank w/the large US flag).
Proceed one block west to Clay Street.
Proceed to 150 Clay Street (Jackson & Kelly Bldg.) ; next to LaCasa Restaurant.


I-79 North and take the I-68 East Exit #148.
Bear RIGHT onto US 119,South University Ave/Downtown, Exit #1.
Turn LEFTonto US 119.
Proceed STRAIGHT approximately 3.5 miles.
Turn LEFT onto Hurley Street in the Wharf District (look for the Centra Bank w/the large US flag).
Proceed one block West to Clay Street.
Proceed to 150 Clay Street (Jackson & Kelly Bldg.) ;next to LaCasa Restaurant.

A major landmark in locating the Jackson Kelly Bldg. is the LARGE US flag flying at the Centra Bank Bldg. We are the six story brick bldg. located directly behind the Centra Bank bldg.
Beginning 4-10-06 until 5-1-07 the rails to trails walkway will be closed to pedestrians due to construction. A temporary walkway has been setup to go directly thru the vacant lot across from the parking garage onto Clay Street.

Parking is provided for a small fee (.50 1st 1/2 hr; $1.00 ea. add. hr; $6.00 max. for 24 hrs.) at #1 Waterfront Place Parking Garage.
There is a Municipal metered hourly garage at the north end of Clay St.
Please DO NOT PARK in the graveled lot directly across from the Jackson & Kelly Bldg. These spaces are by permit only and violators will be towed.

2114 cc; 10/12/06 dsr

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